Android pattern password ideas

30 Pattern Password Ideas For Lock Screen On Android

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Cellphone pattern locks have always fascinated me as they offer a convenient way to unlock screens without the hassle of typing long 12-character passwords or numbers. All you have to do is connect the dots, and voila, your phone is unlocked.

Personally, I have a strong preference for hard pattern locks over any other type of locking mechanism, and I’m constantly on the lookout for fresh pattern lock ideas.

If you share my enthusiasm for unique pattern passwords, I’ve got some Android lock screen pattern ideas to share with you.

These ideas will help ensure that your pattern password is both secure and hard to decipher. So without wasting any more time let’s discover some cool Android lockscreen pattern ideas.

Easy & Hard Pattern Password Ideas For Android Lock Screen

Before we dive into pattern lock ideas, let’s first take a moment to understand the rules. This will make it easier for you to grasp how these pattern lock ideas can be effortlessly created on your Android device.

If you have a closer look a pattern lock screen typically consists of 9 dots, and I’ve assigned a unique number code to each of these dots. Take a closer look and remember the dots and numbers associated with it.

pattern password ideas for android

30 Pattern Password Examples For Android Lock Screen

Following are some secure Android lock screen ideas that you can use.

1. Pattern Code: 1>5>8>4>2>3


2. Pattern Code: 3>5>1>2>4>7>8>6>9


3. Pattern Code: 4>2>5>3>6>8>9>7>1

pattern examples for lockscreen

4. Pattern Code: 1>9>3>2>8>4>7


5. Pattern Code: 3>5>2>6>8>9>4>1>7

pattern lock idea

6. Pattern Code: 3>9>5>2>8>1>7


7. Pattern Code: 1>5>6>2>3>9>4>8>7

idea for lock screen

8. Pattern Code: 1>5>2>8>4>6>3>9>7


9. Pattern Code: 4>6>9>2>3>1>7>8

easy pattern lock idea

10. Pattern Code: 1>5>6>3>2>8>9>4>7

secure pattern idea

11. Pattern Code: 1>9>7>4>2>3>6


12. Pattern Code: 2>4>7>9>1>3>6


13. Pattern Code: 3>2>4>8>5>9>6>7>1

pattern password example

14. Pattern Code: 4>8>7>1>2>5>3>9

lockscreen pattern idea

15. Pattern Code: 5>1>2>9>3>8>4>7


16. Pattern Code: 6>1>3>4>5>9>7


17. Pattern Code: 7>4>2>1>3>5>8>6>9


18. Pattern Code: 8>1>3>7>4>6>9


19. Pattern Code: 9>3>2>7>1>8>5


20. Pattern Code: 8>7>4>2>3>9>1

easy password pattern idea

21. Pattern Code: 1>2>4>8>3>5>6>9>7

pattern lock for android

22. Pattern Code: 2>6>7>3>1>4>9>8


23. Pattern Code: 3>7>1>9>6>8>2


24. Pattern Code: 4>9>1>7>2>8>6>3


25. Pattern Code: 5>7>8>4>6>9>2>1>3

secure pattern password example

26. Pattern Code: 6>8>5>1>3>9>4>7

pattern lock

27. Pattern Code: 7>3>9>8>4>2>1


28. Pattern Code: 8>6>5>9>7>2>1>4>3

pattern password lock

29. Pattern Code: 9>3>>7>1>2>8


30. Pattern Code: 3>1>9>4>6>7>8

hard pattern password idea

Pattern Vs Numeric Vs Alphanumeric Password: Which Is More Secure?

In my opinion, the security of passwords depends on various factors like length and complexity.

However, in general, Numeric passwords (e.g., “123456”) are less secure due to limited combinations. On the other hand, Alphanumeric passwords combine letters and numbers to create a password (e.g., “P@ssw0rd123”) and hence are hard to guess in return offering higher security.

Moreover, using alphanumeric characters you can create a secure passphrase which are most secure form of password according to me.

Last but not least, pattern passwords may vary in security based on their complexity but can be vulnerable to pattern analysis attacks.

So overall, be it pattern, numeric, or alphanumeric all passwords can be safe or unsafe based on how you have created them.

Ankit Prasad

Ankit Prasad, an engineer turned digital marketer, focuses on simplifying password security. His website blends technical expertise with user-friendly strategies to empower individuals in safeguarding their digital identities.

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